Our Why

Our mission is to empower and equip Australian leaders across generations to safeguard our shared future.


Australia is bursting with untapped potential, yet our reality too often falls short of our ambitions.

Leaders in government and industry require more robust support, incentives, and accountability structures to champion a long-term vision for Australia. The need for change is immediate, as we aim to craft a brighter future for all Australians.

Time is of the Essence

We have already missed several ‘wake-up calls’. Yet, these events have not prompted the necessary action to alter our trajectory. We must act now to preserve Australia’s future by taking decisive steps to cultivate future-fit governance that considers not only citizens of today but also those in the years to come.

Potential Awaits

Australia is rich in natural, cultural and intellectual resources. By bridging divides – be it generational, political, or cross-sectoral – we can create a collaborative future that draws together our strengths and untapped potential.

Young Australians have concerns about their future

Of the thousands of young people who we surveyed for the Awareness to Action consultation…

Australians of all ages have concerns about Australian leadership and democracy

Our strategy to address this is clear

A renewed approach to leadership and decision-making propelled by an activated movement for change from across generations, anchored in a shared vision for the future, led with localised and well-resourced solutions and supported by capability building, cultural shifts and accountability mechanisms to drive sustainable impact.

We envision a future where the potential of every generation is fully realised, empowered with knowledge and resources to shape a brighter and more equitable future, enriching the lives of present-day Australians and protecting the interests of future generations.

Our Work